Globys Research A strategic perspective on CSP B2B portals

Globys delivers ServiceNow application to increase digital self-service with Communication Service Providers

Topics: Press Release

Seattle, WA, June 23, 2021/PRNewswire – Globys announced its delivery of a new application which uses ServiceNow to automatically connect enterprises to their Communications Service Providers (CSPs), as an extension of its business-to-business (B2B) Portal Platform and Telecom Expense Management (TEM) Portal solution. This application supports a push towards more employee self-service capabilities, by making all CSP spend and usage details available in the central IT portal, powered by ServiceNow.

Earlier this year, Globys announced a series of capabilities that facilitate key business functions such as online shopping, care, invoice analysis and customer payments via ServiceNow. Later phases will further extend the capabilities to more than 75 business processes identified by Globys as part of their global B2B telecom portal research.

With this release, Globys is making available a ServiceNow app with a strong focus on security requirements. “An important step in the process to support employee self-service growth was to implement the right authorization framework when data is being transferred through multiple platforms,” commented Jurriaan Roeland, Globys TEM director. “With this framework in place, we will now focus on further end-to-end automation between enterprises and CSPs.”

If you would like to learn more about Globys ServiceNow applications, please contact Jurriaan Roeland at [email protected].


About Globys

Globys was founded in 2008 to help telecom service providers deliver a digital experience for their business customers. Today, the Globys B2B Portal Platform enables business customers of all sizes to securely transact with their providers, whether buying new products, managing existing services, analyzing usage and charges, or paying their invoices.

With a strong global client base, including five of the six top carriers in North America as customers, Globys has hundreds of thousands of companies interacting with its products every day. Globys is focused squarely on being a true partner to its clients, making it easy for them to deliver exceptional customer experiences at one-third of the time and cost of alternate solutions.